The Elusive 404: Unraveling the Mystery of SpringBoot API Calls Gone Awry on Tomcat9 Server
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The Elusive 404: Unraveling the Mystery of SpringBoot API Calls Gone Awry on Tomcat9 Server

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Are you caught in the whirlwind of frustration, battling the enigmatic 404 error on your SpringBoot API calls? Do you find yourself helpless, unable to access your backend on the Tomcat9 server? Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to vanquish this pesky issue and uncover the root causes behind those infamous four digits.

Understanding the Anatomy of a 404 Error

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of a 404 error. In simple terms, a 404 error indicates that the requested resource (in this case, your SpringBoot API) cannot be found. The error can stem from various sources, including:

  • Incorrect API endpoint or URL
  • Improperly configured Tomcat9 server
  • Missing or misconfigured dependencies in the SpringBoot application
  • Insufficient access rights or permissions
  • Server-side issues, such as incorrect server configuration or firewall restrictions

Diagnosing the Issue: Gathering Clues and Inspecting the Scene

To identify the root cause of the 404 error, let’s start by collecting information and inspecting the environment. Follow these steps:

  1. Verify the API endpoint and URL: Double-check that the API endpoint and URL are correct, and that you’re using the right HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).

  2. Review Tomcat9 server logs: Check the Tomcat9 server logs for any errors or warnings related to your SpringBoot application. This can help you pinpoint potential issues or configuration problems.

  3. Inspect the SpringBoot application configuration: Ensure that the SpringBoot application is properly configured, and that all necessary dependencies are included in the pom.xml file (if you’re using Maven) or the build.gradle file (if you’re using Gradle).

  4. Check server-side access and permissions: Verify that the server has the necessary access rights and permissions to execute the API calls. Make sure that the server is not blocked by a firewall or other security restrictions.

Troubleshooting Techniques: Hunting Down the Culprit

Now that we’ve gathered information and inspected the environment, it’s time to dig deeper and apply some troubleshooting techniques to identify the root cause of the 404 error:

1. Verify API Endpoint and URL

Use a tool like Postman or cURL to test the API endpoint and URL directly. This will help you determine if the issue is specific to the SpringBoot application or a problem with the Tomcat9 server.

curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:8080/api/endpoint \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

2. Review Tomcat9 Server Logs

Analyze the Tomcat9 server logs for any errors or warnings related to your SpringBoot application. Look for clues such as:


3. Inspect SpringBoot Application Configuration

Check the SpringBoot application configuration files ( or application.yml) for any misconfigurations or typos. Ensure that the correct dependencies are included in the pom.xml file (if using Maven) or the build.gradle file (if using Gradle).

    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb
    username: myuser
    password: mypassword

4. Check Server-Side Access and Permissions

Verify that the server has the necessary access rights and permissions to execute the API calls. Check for firewall restrictions or other security settings that might be blocking the requests.

Server Access Rights Permissions
Tomcat9 Read/Write Execute

Common Solutions and Workarounds

Based on the troubleshooting techniques above, you may encounter some common issues that can be resolved with the following solutions and workarounds:

1. Incorrect API Endpoint or URL

Double-check the API endpoint and URL to ensure they match the ones defined in the SpringBoot application. If necessary, update the API endpoint or URL in the code to reflect the correct values.

public class MyController {
  public String getEndpoint() {
    return "Hello, World!";

2. Improperly Configured Tomcat9 Server

Verify that the Tomcat9 server is properly configured, and that the SpringBoot application is correctly deployed. Check the server.xml file for any misconfigurations or typos.

<Server port="8080" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
  <Service name="Catalina">
    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"></Connector>
    <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
      <Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
        <Context path="" docBase="myapp"></Context>

3. Missing or Misconfigured Dependencies

Ensure that all necessary dependencies are included in the pom.xml file (if using Maven) or the build.gradle file (if using Gradle). Verify that the dependencies are correctly configured and installed.


4. Insufficient Access Rights or Permissions

Verify that the server has the necessary access rights and permissions to execute the API calls. Check for firewall restrictions or other security settings that might be blocking the requests.

sudo chown -R $USER:www-data /path/to/tomcat
sudo chmod -R 755 /path/to/tomcat

Conclusion: Unraveling the Mystery of the 404 Error

In conclusion, the elusive 404 error can be a frustrating and challenging issue to resolve. However, by following the troubleshooting techniques and solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to identify and fix the root cause of the problem. Remember to verify the API endpoint and URL, review the Tomcat9 server logs, inspect the SpringBoot application configuration, and check server-side access and permissions. With persistence and attention to detail, you’ll be able to uncover the mystery behind the 404 error and ensure that your SpringBoot API calls are successful.

Now, go forth and conquer the realm of SpringBoot API calls on Tomcat9 server!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling to access your backend on a Tomcat9 server and your SpringBoot API calls are causing a 404 error, don’t worry! We’ve got the answers to your most pressing questions.

Why am I getting a 404 error when calling my SpringBoot API?

A 404 error usually indicates that the server is not able to find the requested resource. Make sure that your API endpoint is correct, and the Tomcat9 server is properly configured to deploy your SpringBoot application. Check the server logs for any deployment errors or issues with the application context.

Is there a way to troubleshoot the issue without accessing the server logs?

Yes, you can use debugging tools like Postman or cURL to test your API endpoints and analyze the response headers. You can also enable debug logging in your SpringBoot application to get more detailed information about the request and response.

Could the issue be related to the Tomcat9 server configuration?

Yes, it’s possible that the Tomcat9 server configuration is causing the issue. Check the server.xml and web.xml files to ensure that the context path is correctly configured for your SpringBoot application. Also, make sure that the server is running with the correct Java version and that the environment variables are set correctly.

What if I’m using a reverse proxy or load balancer?

If you’re using a reverse proxy or load balancer, make sure that the proxy or load balancer is correctly configured to forward requests to the Tomcat9 server. Check the proxy or load balancer logs to ensure that the requests are being forwarded correctly and that there are no issues with the routing.

Are there any additional tools or plugins that can help me troubleshoot the issue?

Yes, there are several tools and plugins available that can help you troubleshoot the issue. For example, you can use tools like SpringBoot DevTools, SpringBoot Actuator, or third-party plugins like SpringBoot Admin to monitor and troubleshoot your application. You can also use Java-based profiling tools like VisualVM or Java Mission Control to analyze the application performance and identify potential issues.

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