Terraform’s Variable Conundrum: How to Circumvent the Rule
Image by Bereniece - hkhazo.biz.id

Terraform’s Variable Conundrum: How to Circumvent the Rule

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Are you tired of getting stuck in the Terraform whirlpool, where variables seem like an enigma wrapped in a mystery, refusing to cooperate when creating resources? Fear not, fellow Terraformer! You’re not alone in this struggle. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind Terraform’s seemingly strict rule and provide you with creative workarounds to make your life easier.

The Problem: Terraform’s Variable Quagmire

When creating resources in Terraform, you might have stumbled upon an error message that looks something like this:

Error: Variables not allowed
  on main.tf line 10, in resource "aws_instance" "example":
  10:   ami           = var.ami_id
Variables may not be used here.

This error occurs because Terraform has a restriction on using variables when creating resources. But why, you ask? The reason lies in Terraform’s architecture and how it processes configuration files.

Terraform’s Configuration Processing

Terraform’s configuration files are processed in two stages:

  1. Configuration parsing**: Terraform reads and parses the configuration files, resolving any variables and functions.
  2. Resource creation**: Terraform creates and manages resources based on the parsed configuration.

The restriction on using variables when creating resources is due to the way Terraform processes variables during the configuration parsing stage. Variables are not yet resolved when Terraform creates resources, making it impossible to use them directly.

The Workarounds: Creative Ways to Circumvent the Rule

Fear not, dear Terraformer! While Terraform might have its restrictions, there are ways to cleverly work around them. Here are some creative solutions to help you use variables when creating resources:

1. Use Interpolation with Local Values

One way to circumvent the rule is by using interpolation with local values. Local values are declared within a module and can be used to define intermediate results. Here’s an example:

locals {
  ami_id = "ami-abc123"

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = local.ami_id
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

In this example, we declare a local value `ami_id` and use interpolation to assign its value to the `ami` attribute of the `aws_instance` resource.

2. Utilize Terraform’s `map` Function

Terraform’s `map` function can be used to create a map of values and then reference them in your resource creation. Here’s an example:

variable "ami_map" {
  type = map(string)
  default = {
    "us-west-2" = "ami-abc123"
    "us-east-1" = "ami-def456"

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = lookup(var.ami_map, "us-west-2")
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

In this example, we define a `map` variable `ami_map` and use the `lookup` function to retrieve the value for the specified key (`us-west-2`) and assign it to the `ami` attribute.

3. Employ Terraform’s `dynamic` Block

Terraform’s `dynamic` block can be used to create dynamic configurations based on variables. Here’s an example:

variable "ami_id" {
  type = string
  default = "ami-abc123"

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  dynamic "ami" {
    for_each = [var.ami_id]
    content {
      ami           = ami.value
      instance_type = "t2.micro"

In this example, we define a `dynamic` block `ami` and use the `for_each` argument to iterate over a list containing the `ami_id` variable. The `content` block is then used to create the resource with the dynamic `ami` value.

4. Leverage External Data Sources

If you need to retrieve data from an external source, such as an AWS SSM Parameter Store or an Azure Key Vault, you can use Terraform’s built-in data sources to fetch the required information. Here’s an example with AWS SSM:

data "aws_ssm_parameter" "ami_id" {
  name = "ami_id"

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = data.aws_ssm_parameter.ami_id.value
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

In this example, we use the `aws_ssm_parameter` data source to retrieve the value of the `ami_id` parameter from the AWS SSM Parameter Store and assign it to the `ami` attribute.

5. Create a Custom Terraform Module

If you need to reuse a resource configuration with different variable values, you can create a custom Terraform module. Here’s an example:

# File: modules/instance/main.tf
variable "ami_id" {
  type = string

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = var.ami_id
  instance_type = "t2.micro"
# File: main.tf
module "instance" {
  source = file("./modules/instance")

  ami_id = "ami-abc123"

In this example, we create a custom Terraform module `instance` with a variable `ami_id`. We then use the module in our main configuration file, passing the desired `ami_id` value as an argument.


Terraform’s restriction on using variables when creating resources might seem limiting at first, but with a little creativity, you can find ways to circumvent the rule. By leveraging local values, Terraform’s built-in functions, external data sources, and custom modules, you can create flexible and dynamic infrastructure configurations that meet your needs.

Remember, Terraform is all about declarative configuration management, and with a deeper understanding of its architecture and features, you can unlock its full potential and create infrastructure that’s truly remarkable.

Workaround Description
Interpolation with Local Values Use local values to define intermediate results and interpolate them in resource creation.
Terraform’s `map` Function Create a map of values and reference them in resource creation using the `lookup` function.
Terraform’s `dynamic` Block Use the `dynamic` block to create dynamic configurations based on variables.
External Data Sources Retrieve data from external sources, such as AWS SSM or Azure Key Vault, using Terraform’s built-in data sources.
Custom Terraform Module Create a custom Terraform module to reuse resource configurations with different variable values.

Now, go forth and conquer the world of Terraform with these creative workarounds!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to terraform your way to success with these answers to your burning questions!

Is it true that Terraform doesn’t allow using variables when creating a resource?

Yes, it’s correct. Terraform doesn’t allow using variables directly when creating a resource. This is a deliberate design choice to ensure the consistency and predictability of the infrastructure. However, there are workarounds, and that’s what we’re here for!

What’s the closest I can get to using a variable when creating a resource?

You can use Terraform’s built-in functions, such as `join()`, `concat()`, or `format()` to manipulate strings and create dynamic values. These functions can take variables as arguments, effectively allowing you to use variables indirectly.

Can I use Terraform modules to overcome this limitation?

Yes, you can! Terraform modules can be a great way to abstract away complexity and make your code more reusable. By using input variables in your module, you can effectively create a configurable resource that can be reused across your infrastructure.

Is there a way to use external data sources to populate my resource?

Ah-ha! Yes, there is! Terraform’s data sources can be used to fetch external data and populate your resource. For example, you can use the `aws_ssm_parameter` data source to retrieve a parameter from AWS Systems Manager (SSM) and use it in your resource.

What’s the best approach to managing complex infrastructure with Terraform?

The key to managing complex infrastructure with Terraform is to break it down into smaller, reusable components. Use a modular approach, create separate modules for different components, and then combine them using Terraform’s module system. This will make your code more maintainable, scalable, and efficient.

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