The Frustrating “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" Error: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving It in TypeScript Project References
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The Frustrating “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" Error: A Comprehensive Guide to Solving It in TypeScript Project References

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall because of the infamous “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error in your TypeScript project references? You’re not alone! This error can be frustrating, especially when you’ve triple-checked your code and configurations. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this error and emerge victorious on the other side.

What is the “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" Error?

The “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error occurs when your TypeScript project references cannot find the module you’re trying to import. This error can manifest in various ways, such as:

  • ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND: Cannot find module 'module-name' or its corresponding type declarations
  • ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'module-name' in 'path/to/file'

This error can be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  1. Incorrect or missing module declarations
  2. Invalid or missing paths in your tsconfig.json file
  3. Conflicting module versions or dependencies
  4. Incorrectly configured project references

Step 1: Verify Module Declarations and Export Statements

The first step in solving the “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error is to ensure that your module declarations and export statements are correct. Double-check that:

  • Your module declaration is correct and exports the expected symbols
  • Your export statement is correct and exports the expected symbols
  • You’re not using default exports with named imports

Here’s an example of a correct module declaration and export statement:

// myModule.ts
export function myFunction() {
  console.log('Hello, World!');

In this example, the myModule.ts file exports a single function named myFunction. To use this function in another file, you would import it like this:

// main.ts
import { myFunction } from './myModule';

Step 2: Check Your tsconfig.json File

The next step is to ensure that your tsconfig.json file is correctly configured. Specifically, check that:

  • The moduleResolution option is set to "node" or "classic"
  • The baseUrl option is set to the correct root directory of your project
  • The paths option is correctly configured to include your module paths

Here’s an example of a correctly configured tsconfig.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "*": ["node_modules/*", "src/*"]

In this example, the moduleResolution option is set to "node", and the baseUrl option is set to the current directory ("."). The paths option is configured to include both the node_modules directory and the src directory.

Step 3: Resolve Conflicting Module Versions or Dependencies

Sometimes, conflicting module versions or dependencies can cause the “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error. To resolve this, try:

  • Downgrading or upgrading the conflicting module to a compatible version
  • Using a specific version of the module in your package.json file
  • Excluding the conflicting module from your project references

For example, if you’re using a module named @mycompany/mymodule and it’s conflicting with another module, you can try downgrading it to a previous version like this:

npm install @mycompany/[email protected]

Step 4: Configure Project References Correctly

Project references can be a powerful tool for managing complex projects, but they can also cause the “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error if not configured correctly. To resolve this, try:

  • Verifying that your project references are correctly configured in your tsconfig.json file
  • Ensuring that your project references are correctly ordered in your tsconfig.json file
  • Using the composite option to enable project references

Here’s an example of a correctly configured project reference in a tsconfig.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "composite": true,
    "references": [
      { "path": "./src/myModule" }

In this example, the composite option is set to true, and the references option is configured to include the src/myModule directory.


The “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error can be frustrating, but by following these steps, you should be able to resolve it and get your TypeScript project up and running smoothly. Remember to:

  • Verify module declarations and export statements
  • Check your tsconfig.json file for correct configuration
  • Resolve conflicting module versions or dependencies
  • Configure project references correctly

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" error and building amazing things with TypeScript.

Common Causes of the “"ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND" Error Solution
Incorrect or missing module declarations Verify module declarations and export statements
Invalid or missing paths in tsconfig.json file Check tsconfig.json file for correct configuration
Conflicting module versions or dependencies Resolve conflicting module versions or dependencies
Incorrectly configured project references Configure project references correctly

Now, go forth and conquer the world of TypeScript!

Frequently Asked Question

TypeScript project references can be a game-changer for large-scale applications, but sometimes, you might stumble upon the infamous “ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND” error. Fear not, dear developer, for we’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

Q1: What causes the “ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND” error in TypeScript project references?

This error usually occurs when TypeScript can’t find the referenced module or file. It’s often due to incorrect configuration, mistyped paths, or missing dependencies. Make sure to double-check your `tsconfig.json` file, especially the `references` section, and verify that the referenced projects are properly configured and compiled.

Q2: How do I troubleshoot the “ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND” error in my TypeScript project?

To troubleshoot this error, start by checking the error message for clues about the missing module. Then, verify that the referenced project is correctly configured and compiled. Use the `tsc –traceResolution` flag to see the resolution process in action, which can help you identify the issue. You can also try deleting the `node_modules` folder and running `npm install` or `yarn install` again to ensure that dependencies are properly installed.

Q3: Can I use absolute paths to reference modules in my TypeScript project?

Yes, you can use absolute paths to reference modules, but be cautious! Absolute paths can make your code less portable and more prone to errors. Instead, consider using relative paths or aliases to reference modules. This approach makes your code more flexible and easier to maintain. If you do need to use absolute paths, ensure that the path is correct and the referenced module is properly exposed.

Q4: How do I configure my `tsconfig.json` file to use project references with TypeScript?

To use project references, you need to create a `tsconfig.json` file with a `references` section. This section should contain an array of objects, each specifying the path to the referenced project’s `tsconfig.json` file. For example: `{ “references”: [{ “path”: “../other-project” }] }`. This tells TypeScript to include the `other-project` folder in the compilation process.

Q5: Can I use project references with JavaScript projects, or is it limited to TypeScript projects?

Project references are a TypeScript feature, so they’re only applicable to TypeScript projects. However, you can use JavaScript files in a TypeScript project, and the project references will still work. Just keep in mind that the referenced project should have a `tsconfig.json` file, even if it’s a JavaScript project, to enable the project reference feature.

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