How Can I Display All Lint Errors and Warnings in VS Code Without Opening Each File?
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How Can I Display All Lint Errors and Warnings in VS Code Without Opening Each File?

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Are you tired of digging through your codebase, file by file, to find those pesky lint errors and warnings? Do you wish there was a way to view all of them at once, without having to open each file individually? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you exactly how to do just that, and more!

Why Do I Need to Display All Lint Errors and Warnings?

Linting is an essential part of writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Linting tools like ESLint, TSLint, and others help you identify potential issues in your code, such as syntax errors, logical inconsistencies, and best practice deviations. However, when working on a large project, it can be overwhelming to deal with hundreds or even thousands of lint errors and warnings scattered across multiple files.

By displaying all lint errors and warnings in one place, you can:

  • Get a comprehensive view of your codebase’s health
  • Identify and prioritize critical issues that need attention
  • Save time by avoiding unnecessary file-by-file searches
  • Improve code quality and maintainability

Method 1: Using the VS Code Problems Panel

The simplest way to display all lint errors and warnings in VS Code is by using the built-in Problems panel. Here’s how:

  1. Open your VS Code workspace
  2. Press `Ctrl + Shift + M` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd + Shift + M` (Mac) to open the Problems panel
  3. In the Problems panel, you’ll see a list of all lint errors and warnings across your entire project
  4. Click on an error or warning to jump to the corresponding file and line
Note: Make sure you have the necessary linting extensions installed, such as ESLint or TSLint, and that your workspace is configured to use them.

Method 2: Using the VS Code Explorer

Another way to display all lint errors and warnings is by using the Explorer sidebar in VS Code. Here’s how:

  1. Open your VS Code workspace
  2. Open the Explorer sidebar by clicking the Explorer icon in the left sidebar or pressing `Ctrl + Shift + E` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd + Shift + E` (Mac)
  3. In the Explorer sidebar, click the `PROBLEMS` tab
  4. In the PROBLEMS tab, you’ll see a list of all lint errors and warnings across your entire project
  5. Click on an error or warning to jump to the corresponding file and line
Note: This method requires VS Code version 1.44 or later.

Method 3: Using a Linting Extension

If you’re using a specific linting extension, such as ESLint or TSLint, you can use its built-in features to display all lint errors and warnings. Here’s how:


Using the ESLint extension, you can display all lint errors and warnings by:

  1. Opening your VS Code workspace
  2. Pressing `Ctrl + Shift + Alt + L` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd + Shift + Alt + L` (Mac) to open the ESLint panel
  3. In the ESLint panel, you’ll see a list of all lint errors and warnings across your entire project
  4. Click on an error or warning to jump to the corresponding file and line


Using the TSLint extension, you can display all lint errors and warnings by:

  1. Opening your VS Code workspace
  2. Pressing `Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T` (Windows/Linux) or `Cmd + Shift + Alt + T` (Mac) to open the TSLint panel
  3. In the TSLint panel, you’ll see a list of all lint errors and warnings across your entire project
  4. Click on an error or warning to jump to the corresponding file and line
Note: These shortcuts may vary depending on your VS Code configuration and the specific linting extension you're using.

Customizing Your Linting Experience

By default, VS Code and linting extensions provide a basic linting experience. However, you can customize your linting experience by:

Configuring Linting Rules

You can configure linting rules by creating a configuration file, such as `.eslintrc` or `tslint.json`, in your project root. In this file, you can specify custom rules, disable or enable specific rules, and adjust the severity of errors and warnings.

// .eslintrc example
  "root": true,
  "env": {
    "node": true
  "extends": "eslint:recommended",
  "rules": {
    "no-console": "error",
    "indent": ["error", 2]

Customizing the Problems Panel

You can customize the Problems panel by adding a `problems` section to your `settings.json` file. In this section, you can specify custom filters, sort orders, and more.

// settings.json example
  "problems": {
    "filter": {
      "severity": "error"
    "sortBy": "severity"


In this article, we’ve shown you three methods to display all lint errors and warnings in VS Code without opening each file individually. We’ve also covered customizing your linting experience by configuring linting rules and customizing the Problems panel.

By following these methods and tips, you’ll be able to efficiently identify and address lint errors and warnings in your codebase, ultimately improving code quality and maintainability.

Method Description
Problems Panel Use the built-in Problems panel to display all lint errors and warnings
Explorer Use the Explorer sidebar to display all lint errors and warnings in the PROBLEMS tab
Linting Extension Use a specific linting extension, such as ESLint or TSLint, to display all lint errors and warnings

Happy coding, and may your codebase be error-free and warning-less!


  • Q: What is linting?
  • A: Linting is the process of analyzing code for potential errors, inconsistencies, and best practice deviations.
  • Q: What is the difference between an error and a warning?
  • A: An error is a critical issue that prevents the code from working correctly, while a warning is a non-critical issue that may not prevent the code from working but is still considered bad practice.
  • Q: Can I use multiple linting extensions at the same time?
  • A: Yes, you can use multiple linting extensions at the same time, but be aware that they may conflict with each other. It’s recommended to choose one primary linting extension and configure it to your needs.

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of digging through each file to find those pesky lint errors and warnings in VS Code? Fear not, friend! We’ve got the solutions for you.

How do I display all lint errors and warnings in VS Code without opening each file?

You can use the “Problems” panel in VS Code to view all lint errors and warnings across your entire project. To access it, go to View > Problems or press Ctrl + Shift + M (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + Shift + M (macOS). This will show you a list of all issues, including errors and warnings, with links to the corresponding files.

Can I customize the “Problems” panel to show only specific types of errors or warnings?

Yes, you can! In the “Problems” panel, you can filter the results by error type using the dropdown menu at the top. You can also use the “Filter” input field to search for specific keywords or error codes. Additionally, you can configure your linting settings in your VS Code settings.json file to only report certain types of errors or warnings.

How do I enable linting for a specific file type in VS Code?

You can enable linting for a specific file type by installing the corresponding linter extension in VS Code. For example, to enable ESLint for JavaScript files, you would install the ESLint extension. You can then configure the linter settings in your VS Code settings.json file or through the linter’s own settings panel.

Can I ignore specific lint errors or warnings in VS Code?

Yes, you can! In your VS Code settings.json file, you can add specific error codes or patterns to the “lint.ignore” setting to ignore those errors. You can also use inline comments in your code to ignore specific errors or warnings on a per-file basis. For example, you can add `// eslint-disable-next-line` to ignore the next line of code.

How do I run linting automatically on save in VS Code?

You can enable auto-linting on save by adding the following setting to your VS Code settings.json file: `”editor.codeActionsOnSave”: {“source.fixAll.eslint”: true}`. This will run the ESLint linter and fix all auto-fixable errors on save. You can also configure the linter to run on save for specific file types or projects.

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